Loosen Up For Your Headshot

Nervousness leading to procrastination is all too often the reason folks put off getting their professional headshots done. We strive to give you the most exhilarating and fun experience that will show through in your images.

Headshot How To

How to Loosen Up
For Your Headshots

Staying loose and true to yourself is one of the most important aspects of your headshot pose. Here you will find ways to loosen up and find that comfort zone to become your inner star for one of the most important aspects of your promotional headshot. Scroll down to learn more!

Get Off Your Butt!

Sitting for a headshot, while a good start, can get pretty stiff pretty fast. Try to get out of your seat and move. Get some air through your hair and keep the blood flowing. If possible find out if you can shoot some shots outside in the daylight. You can always go back to the original set and will have a better feel for what you are doing. Movement is the key.

In this shot we took a break and went outside into the late day sun with a gentle breeze blowing to get a more engaging joyful shot. Her choice of wardrobe also enhances the way she felt with a great neckline and flowing fabric. When we returned inside our model was much more engaging.

Headshot - Business Woman

Get Into Character

Think of your favorite actor or role model here. What expressions do they have. What do they look like on the big screen. Are they famous for a certain look. Do an impression even if it's not very good, the exercise alone will allow you to loosen up.

In this shot our executive DID NOT want to be there. His company set up the shoot. When he arrived I could see some resemblance to great character actors and told him so. He actually loosened up right then and there. We went through some exercises where he role modeled some of his favorites and got this very intense shot - one of my favorites.

Jump Around!

Get movement by getting off your feet - literally. If you are able, try to find a place to get some energetic physical movement. Dancing, jumping or even a brisk walk will help with nervousness and flow. Of course shooting an actual headshot pose like this is difficult, the exercise will allow you to settle into the situation.

Duh, Music!

Music soothes the soul, calms the nerves, and inspires you to put out your very best. Putting your favorite playlist on the sound system or just tuning in on your headphones can give you an escape and the inspiration to get you started.

For this shot our model was part of our greenscreen project with his music playing over our sound system (headphones were props). Point is the music kept the shoot inspired.

how to pose for a headshot